Badges for the boys

This is a little shorter of a post today and that’s largely because I’ve been busy.

And one thing I’ve been busy doing is networking.

And it’s here that gives us the inspiration for today’s post.

Most networking events give you a name tag so that people can see your name as you’re in conversation and realise that you’ve forgotten their name despite only being told it a few minutes early.

These name tags are often with a safety pin to connect, some are put into lanyards so there’s no need to make a hole in the top you’re wearing, you just pop it over your head and hope it lands at a height that means it isn’t awkward for anyone to try and your name from.

That was until possibly the worst name-tag experience of my recent networking journey.

I’d worn a dress to this particular event. And one that had no pockets so I was off to a bad start before we even began!

And then I was given a badge that was designed to clip onto the top of a jacket pocket, or maybe even a shirt pocket. But my outfit offered me neither option. It was a high-neck dress, which meant I only really had the option of clipping it right under my chin. So I did what any sensible person would do in this scenario and held the badge in my hand. It was no use to anyone trying to read my name, an extra faff when trying to hold prosecco in one hand and grab a canapé in another but it did mean I didn’t go to the event fully nameless.

There are solutions out there that don’t require such male dressing for networking (although if all clothes could have pockets so I can let business cards live there) and badges to be worn. So if you’re making any decisions for 2023, please make it be that networking badges are lanyards, safety pins or even just simple stickers to take that stress away from networking events.

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